Five Tips for Online Learning During COVID-19 For Students

Five Tips for Online Learning During COVID-19 For Students

It’s no secret that we’re living in unprecedented times. Schools everywhere are closed, and students are being asked to find ways to learn from home. While this can be daunting for some, it can also be an opportunity to utilize online learning tools in creative ways. Here are seven tips for making the most of your online learning experience during COVID-19. 

#1: Reset Your Mindset  

Online learning is not a new idea. Online learning has been around for decades. But traditionally, it has been looked at as second-class to the in-person experience. However, with technology advancing rapidly and advancements being made all the time that reduce or even eliminate many of the distractions associated with online learning, online community college classes have begun to resemble more closely the in-person experience. With the right instructor and a focus on active participation from students, an online class can be just as effective as one has taken face-to-face.

#2: Be Prepared 

 All of your previous experiences will likely impact your first experiences with online learning. You may have been a diligent student who attended class regularly and never missed an assignment or quiz. However, you may find yourself quickly falling behind when it comes to online classes. Don’t panic, but do be prepared to work hard if you want to succeed in your online classes. Even when the technology works perfectly, there is still lots of preparation that will need to go into an online course to be successful.

#3: Don’t Disregard Course Emails   

The instructor may not always be available to answer questions when you need them the most. Still, the automated emails sent by your instructor during assignment deadlines or midterm/final testing periods are often their way of checking in on you. Each instructor has their way of using these automated notifications, so pay attention to what your instructor is telling you through the emails.

#4: Connect with Other Students

  Regardless of whether or not your online classes are completely self-paced or follow a traditional lecture/lab model, it is likely that you will be able to connect with other students. If you are taking a completely self-paced class, look for online forums to discuss the course materials and ask questions. Even if your instructor follows a lecture/lab model, there should still be plenty of opportunities for you to interact with your fellow students through social media or other online resources.

#5: Don’t Assume Online Classes are Easier  

Most online classes do so because they think that taking an online course will be easier than a traditional face-to-face course. While it is true that you may have more flexibility when attending or scheduling your classes, there is often just as much homework, if not more. Even when there is technically no in-class component to your course, it will take just as much work for you to succeed in an online class as it would a face-to-face one.

With so much change happening around us, it can be difficult to focus on what’s important. We hope that these five tips for online learning during COVID-19 will help you stay on track and continue your education despite the many disruptions in your life.